– On the day he died a man named Venerable Bede finishes the first complete translation of a New Testament book into English (the book of John).

– The Psalms and some of the Gospels are the first to be translated in a new language called English. Used more than the original Greek and the King James Version. The Vulgate is the all-time most used Bible translation in human history. Jerome translates the entire Bible into Latin, it is known as the Vulgate. – The known world eventually stops using the Greek language in favor of Latin. Over 20,000 of these copies exist to this day. Hand-written copies of the New Testament in Greek are produced all over the world to try to keep up with all the new followers of Christ. – The Gospel spreads like wild fire throughout the known world. The Old and New Testament are now complete. – The last book of the New Testament, Revelation, is completed by John on the island of Patmos.

This translation is called, “The Septuagint.” This is the Bible most in the first century probably read, including Jesus. The Old Testament is translated into the language of the day, Greek. The first major Bible translation is done. Only the highly educated can read the Old Testament in Hebrew. – The Hebrew language stops being used by the masses. Here’s a timeline of the people, places and events that led up to and include the publication of this great English Bible.

Many of you know this is the 400 year celebration of the King James Bible.